A lot of my columns are about how to keep your child out of the Pediatric Emergency Department. Possible fractures, though, are one time where coming in is the best move. More on this from our two guest columnists, Dr. Nicole…
I often pick a column topic based on what I am seeing a lot at the Pediatric Emergency Department here at Lafayette General. Lately we have been seeing lots of unhappy kids- suicidal teenagers, violent grade schoolers, children…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Matthew Whittington, a third year resident in the Family Practice program at the University Health Center here in Lafayette. We see a lot of burns in the Pediatric Emergency Department, mostly…
This happens at least once per month, the last time just three weeks ago. A teenager comes into the Emergency Department complaining of abdominal pain, vomiting in the morning for a week or two; and by the way, has not had a…
In this election time, there is lots of talk about the high cost of government-funded health care- for medicare (for the elderly), and medicaid (for children). Democrats and Republicans argue about the burden these programs place…
Kids and teens will sometimes have chest pain. It happens more often than you think. We see at least 4-5 kids per week in the Emergency Department for complaints of chest pain. When it happens, parents sometimes freak out. Is…
Occasionally I am surprised by some parent’s beliefs. There are a lot of “old wive’s tales” out there which I am used to: fever curdles milk in baby’s stomachs, fever will cook baby’s brain, blowing cigarette smoke in ears is…
Sometimes when a parent is talking about her sick child, I hear about things they have already tried to make the kid better. Usually these are the regular things like pain medicines or hot compresses. Sometimes parents try…
It is that time of the year, with the hot weather and the summer rains, when the mosquitoes bloom. It is also the time when TVs should be off and the kids outside playing with friends, getting exercise, sun, and air. But when…
The parents got our attention by banging on the Ambulance Entrance doors. In their panic they had stopped there and did not read the signs about the walk-in entrance. They were panicking for good reason. The father had his three…
3:30 am: Mom brings the three-year old into the ER. He awoke screaming with ear pain, crying about "buzzing." I look in his ear with the otoscope and see a tan-colored insect, waving its floppy wings against the poor boy's…